Initiatives We Love

Three Armenian Musical Groups Continuing the Armenian Musical Tradition

The theme of this set of Initiatives We Love at 100 Years, 100 Facts is music – specifically, the reinvention and enduring nature of the Armenian musical tradition. There are a number of different Armenian musical initiatives out there. We picked the following three.


First up is Zulal, an a capella trio with sounds as clear as its name suggests. Armenian music has been transformed by Teni, Yeraz, and Anaïs since 2002, rendering folk songs “enchanting”, “bewitching and transcendent”, as described by their admirers. Check out

Lark Musical Society

Also check out the Lark Musical Society. Based in the Los Angeles area, Lark has not only served to teach the Armenian musical heritage to a new generation over the past twenty years, but has engaged in active research and publication, taking that legacy to a higher level. Have a look at their Facebook page or visit for more.

Collectif Medz Bazar

Finally, a unique group in France has had feet tapping for over two years now. Comprised of Armenian, Turkish, Kurdish, French, and American musicians, Collectif Medz Bazar gets its inspirations from a medley of musical traditions of the Middle East, and beyond. They recently concluded a performance tour through Turkey and Armenia. Find out more at their Facebook page.