Initiatives We Love


Every once in a while, something really cool pops up on the internet. 360Yerevan is one such thing (

If you’re thinking that this is a website that allows you to fly through various sites in Armenia’s capital with panoramic, 360-degree views – you are correct! Well, almost correct, because 360Yerevan also includes an interactive map, where users can post stories about locations, which then can be played back, location-by-location. As the team says on the website, “We are people who truly love Yerevan and telling stories”. If there is one town where pretty much every nook and cranny can hold a memory to share, Yerevan is it.

360Yerevan is also a great resource for “couch tourism”, including exploring various museums in town. The project has recently expanded to other sites in Armenia as well ( Let 100 Years, 100 Facts tell you, though, that nothing beats visiting in person, whether to pound Yerevan’s pavements or to admire gorgeous churches in Armenia’s countryside. 360-degree views are a great way to get started and plan your trip!