Initiatives We Love
Birthright Armenia and the Armenian Volunteer Corps
Our first salute goes out to Birthright Armenia and the Armenian Volunteer Corps.
(Disclosure: the team at 100 Years, 100 Facts are alumni of these programmes – and very proud to be counted among that number.)
Although it is really nice to visit Armenia for a couple of weeks or a month, doing the touristy rounds, visiting family and friends, etc., the sister organisations of Birthright Armenia and the Armenian Volunteer Corps like to draw in people for longer stays, establishing stronger bonds with the country.
The Armenian Volunteer Corps brings in anyone over 21 – whether or not of Armenian background – for a minimum one-month stay in Armenia, matching up skills and interests with volunteering opportunities in Yerevan and elsewhere in the country. There are also shorter-term programmes for professionals as well as “voluntourists”.
Birthright Armenia puts together minimum four- or six-week volunteering stays for Diasporans between the ages of 20 and 32, offering host family accommodations, travel cost reimbursements, language classes, excursions, and other activities.
Close to a thousand individuals from over 30 countries have been labelled AVC-ers or Birthrighters over the past decade and more.
Check out and for all the details.
Who knows? A life-changing experience may be waiting for you in Armenia. Let Birthright Armenia or the Armenian Volunteer Corps lead you to it.